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Turning Good into Greater Good


What kind of group is SOS?

The purpose of SOS is to engage and educate women, to increase charitable contributions and to strengthen our community through the impact of collective giving. SOS provides significant resources, both financially and in thought leadership, to help address emerging issues and meet critical needs in the St. Louis region. Our membership is open and inclusive.

How many women join? Is there a limit to the number of members?

New members join SOS every year and we are always recruiting! Founded in 2006 with 116 members, we’re currently over 200 women strong. There is no limit on the number of members.

Do you have to live in St. Louis to be a member of SOS?

No, but most of our members live in the greater St. Louis region. Our focus is on nonprofit organizations that include St. Charles, Jefferson, St. Louis counties and the immediate east side in Illinois.

How much are membership dues? What is the financial commitment?

Each SOS member commits $1,200 annually, $1,080 goes immediately to our grant fund and $120 pays our programming, education and administration by the St. Louis Community Foundation.

What time commitment is required?

Do a little – or do a lot! The time our members spend each year is up to them. Some members become actively engaged in our grants, membership or education processes, or serve on the. These members meet at least monthly and may invest numerous hours outside of meetings as well. Other members come to one or two social or educational events, but need other parts of their lives to take priority – at least for a year or two. We do not have any formal volunteer time requirement, but members are invited to many events. This flexibility is one of the hallmarks of the SOS. As women, our commitments change year to year. We recognize, and work with, evolving schedules! Regardless of your involvement, everyone has an equal vote on the ballot.

Do you need to know someone to become a member?

Absolutely not, an initial payment or authorization for a monthly membership draw begins your membership.

Why should I join?

There are many reasons to join SOS. You multiply the impact of your dollars in the community; you build relationships with talented, skilled women across a wide range of careers and experiences; you increase your knowledge of St. Louis, the nonprofits working day in and day out on its challenges and the people shaping its future; you have the opportunity to grow and learn, professionally and as a philanthropist.

How can I pay?

We encourage members to authorize monthly automatic drafts or to write a check for their annual membership. We welcome employer matches and accept credit card payments as well. The St. Louis Community Foundation and SOS leadership are happy to answer questions regarding your unique situation.

Are my contributions tax-deductible?

Yes, your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Can I join at any time during the year?

Yes, you can join at any time during the year.

Is there a minimum age to join?

There is no minimum or maximum age to join.

What happens to my membership if I relocate or have a change in my financial status?

If you should happen to relocate to another city, we are more than happy to continue your membership in the Spirit of St. Louis Women’s Fund. However, we understand if you should decide to discontinue your membership here and begin working to make your new community stronger by donating your contribution there.

Is there a “junior rate” for members who are under a certain age or any other alternative forms of membership?

SOS currently does not offer a “junior rate” or vary the amount required of members. All our members make the commitment to our grant pool. Many members find the ability to make a monthly payment instead of one large check enables them to join SOS even early in their careers. Members who want to do even more for the organization can add a contribution to our operations and programs, but all members are equal in their fundamental commitment to our grants and our mission.

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